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Anisim Sysoev
Anisim Sysoev


A part of our sexuality might include intimacy: the ability to love, trust, and care for others in both sexual and other types of relationships. We learn about intimacy from those relationships around us, particularly within our families.


Sasaki, who works primarily in glass, is known for her meticulous studies of the environment around her. Her work contemplates the stories of people and places and how encounters with plants and the weather can evoke a sense of intimacy and familiarity even in a foreign place. Sasaki aims to create immersive and multi-sensory experiences through her glass art installations that invite viewers to explore their own relationship with the natural world.

Radical Intimacy shows that it doesn't need to be this way. A punchy and impassioned account of inspiring ideas about alternative ways to live, Sophie K Rosa demands we use our radical imagination to discover a new form of intimacy and to transform our personal lives and in turn society as a whole.

In the last half decade of my life I have been able to experience many different forms and levels of access intimacy. Before that, I was not even in a place where I could have had access intimacy with anyone. It has only been in the last seven years that I have come into myself as a politically disabled person enough to begin to experience or desire access intimacy, even on superficial levels. Looking back, there have been only a handful of relationships in my life where access intimacy has existed. And in most of them access intimacy was not instant, but built and cultivated, with me bearing the brunt of the work.

For the first time in my adult life, I am experiencing access intimacy that is not just painstakingly built over years, conversation by conversation, but is already in fertile existence, ready to grow. For the first time in my life I am in disabled community meeting sick and disabled folks and experiencing a kind of mutual access intimacy that feels like family. For the first time in my life, I am in relationships with able bodied queer people of color experiencing access intimacy that is beyond explanation and belief. For the first time, this year, I am experiencing a level of access intimacy in my intimate relationships and home life that I have never experienced before. It has been both amazing and saddening, now having something that actually cares for me. And it, like emotional intimacy, is also a deep risk because it would be devastating to lose and requires maintenance.

Now, when I describe relationships, I include access intimacy along with my many other descriptors. I am watching it, studying it, bearing witness to it as it grows, evolves and shifts and as I learn all the different ways that access intimacy can exist.

Your article was solid and clear, the most moving section to me was when you talked about the relationships that involved loving people very deeply, but never fully feeling safe with them around your access needs. For me access intimacy is a certain level of awareness of both self and other. This access intimacy can also in some ways be considered functional intelligence or functional awareness. Two people with different levels of functional capacities (weather physical or intellectual) can share a very powerful and intimate experience through what you call access intimacy.

To me, this resounds with many universal human issues. Our world is so disintegrated and so are our relationship. Access intimacy sounds to me like what I long for in finding a group of people that I can relate to beneath all of the bullshit and human constructs of physical and emotional barriers to being human and relating; human to human. A place to belong. A group to call home.

I had no idea my whole worldview paradigm was abogonna shift today! Thank you so much for this piece, Mia. I read your words and thought instantly of all the ways I fail to share access intimacy with those closest to me, fail to provide it, and fail to receive it. Fail to even TRY to share or provide it or recognize it as a need, as so much of my life revolves around survival needs rather than intimate connection with others. You have changed something in me today. Thank you for sharing this. I will boost the signal on this article to everyone I know. Peace. Jane.

I had no idea my whole worldview paradigm was gonna shift today! Thank you so much for this piece, Mia. I read your words and thought instantly of all the ways I fail to share access intimacy with those closest to me, fail to provide it, and fail to receive it. Fail to even TRY to share or provide it or recognize it as a need, as so much of my life revolves around survival needs rather than intimate connection with others. You have changed something in me today. Thank you for sharing this. I will boost the signal on this article to everyone I know. Peace. Jane.

Oh, thank you! I have been writing about this fir a little over a year now. I like calling it access intimacy, makes so much sense but there is still some little piece missing for me, more excavating to do. In case you want: -close-and-know-that-i-am-g-d.html

To Ellen Dissanayake, the arts are biologically evolved propensities of human nature: their fundamental features helped early humans adapt to their environment and reproduce themselves successfully over generations. In Art and Intimacy she argues for the joint evolutionary origin of art and intimacy, what we commonly call love.

Sexual relationships and intimacy are important and fulfilling aspects of your life that should continue after ostomy surgery. But there is a period of adjustment after surgery, and some ostomies can affect intimate relationships more than others. Communication is a key factor in re-establishing sexual expression and intimacy.

Aging brings life transitions that can create opportunities for older adults to redefine what sexuality and intimacy mean to them. Some older adults strive for both a sexual and intimate relationship, some are content with one without the other, and still others may choose to avoid these types of connections.

The following information is for older adults who want sexuality and intimacy in their lives. Included are common aging-related challenges and opportunities, and approaches to consider making the most of individual situations in these areas.

Many older couples find greater satisfaction in their sex lives than they did when they were younger. They may have fewer distractions, more time and privacy, and no worries about getting pregnant. They also may be better able to express what they want and need, which can offer an opportunity for greater intimacy and connection.

Chronic pain. Pain can interfere with intimacy. It can also cause tiredness and exhaustion, leaving little energy or interest in sex. Chronic pain does not have to be part of growing older and can often be treated. But, some pain medicines have effects on sexual function. Always talk with your health care provider if you have side effects from any medication.

Self-esteem allows you to be open and direct. The greater is your self-esteem and, paradoxically, the more you can be separate and autonomous, the greater is your capacity for closeness and intimacy. In fact, there are levels of intimacy.

My book, Conquering Shame and Codependency: 8 Steps to Freeing the True You provides an in-depth examination of why people avoid intimacy and how to change. Couples counseling can bring couples together to enjoy more closeness and practice new behavior. Beware of inexperienced therapists that reduce intimacy to more alone time or going on dates together. This may be the first step, but real intimacy should be practiced in the therapy session.

That was deep ! I am shocked!!! I used the word intimacy so many times, but never really knew what it means. I love this blog, and I enjoyed the summary. I think this is good start for me. Thank you so very much for sharing!

This accelerated shift in behavior will drive significant changes in customer expectations. Although some behavioral changes may be temporary, the trend from face-to-face interactions to online experiences or hybrid models, such as online purchase and curbside pickup, continues. With intimacy expectations only set to increase, companies will have to redouble their efforts to deliver customer intimacy without proximity.

There has been a significant shift in customer behavior as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although some changes may be temporary, the trend toward online experiences looks set to continue. This means there is pressure on companies to redouble their efforts to deliver customer intimacy without proximity. There are already a disruptive few that are exponentially elevating customers' expectations.

The first time Black learned about intimacy direction was when Alicia Rodis, a friend she worked with in New York City, introduced her to the relatively new discipline. Rodis became the first intimacy coordinator employed by a major television network when HBO hired her in 2017.

Now an assistant professor of acting movement in the Michigan State University Department of Theatre, Black educates theatre students and professionals about the importance of boundaries and consent in a performance as a certified intimacy director.

A recent addition to theatrical productions, the intimacy director choreographs moments of intense physical contact, ranging from an extended embrace to simulated sex acts, in a way that respects the boundaries of the individuals performing them.

Oscar Quiroz, also an MFA acting student, and Hope Still, a second-year stage management student, said they appreciate that the MSU Department of Theatre provides students with opportunities to learn about intimacy direction.

While boosting customer intimacy through data benefits both businesses and consumers, people are becoming increasingly aware of how valuable their data is and want to know who has access to it and how it will be used. When customers opt in to disclose their data, companies must be transparent and use that data with integrity. 041b061a72


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